LocalLawyers.com, LLC publishes state and city websites that provide legal consumers content-rich, multi page, customizable Law Firm and Lawyer Profiles. Here legal consumers can find the right lawyer by easily locating and compare information from the profiles of the participating lawyers, as well as finding legal help by problem/need, area of practice, location or name of lawyer or law firm.
The state website provides an equal online marketing opportunity for all State Bar Members: rural and urban lawyers, established and new lawyers. It also provides a web presence for lawyers who do not have a website, and an additional web presence for those who have their own website. And the added city legal websites in metro areas gives local lawyers an added internet presence where they need it most, in their own city.
Local Lawyers Members are found by problem, need, and location.
Local Lawyers is a Birmingham, Alabama based, family-owned business that has been helping local people find the right lawyers in their own cities since 2011.
When you search for a lawyer on our local sites, you only find lawyers who have chosen to be here for you. Unlike directory websites that list all lawyers in the area, our lawyers were invited to become Member Lawyers and accepted the invitation. These lawyers also provided you with multi-page lawyer profiles, which are content rich with important information regarding their education, expertise, accolades, and case victories. This information helps you make an informed decision regarding which local lawyer best fits your problem or need. And these Lawyer Profiles are found by practice area.
Our Member Lawyers are not just lawyers, but people too. So, you will also find them on our social media pages fishing, boating, rescuing dogs, and raising their children.
Local Lawyers' first market is the state of Alabama and metro areas of Birmingham, Huntsville, Mobile and Montgomery. Please visit our Local Lawyers city metro websites: BirminghamLawyers.com, HuntsvilleLawyers.com, MobileLawyers.com and MontgomeryLawyers.com.
LocalLawyers.com was founded by its Publisher and President, Jan Walsh in 2011. In addition of Local Lawyers portfolio of legal websites, she also founded, developed and launched BirminghamRestaurants.com, which was voted Best New Website by readers of Birmingham magazine in 2006, and BirminghamDoctors.com, for which she was the awarded “Healthcare Innovator of 2009” by the Birmingham Business Journal in their Health Care Heroes Awards.
Walsh's, son, Jordan Copeland is an Alabama lawyer and business partner in Local Lawyers. And content manager, Richard Phillips is also an Alabama lawyer.
Learn more about Jan Walsh at JanWalsh.com.